A new Batman is set to reign the DC Universe, and the co-CEO of DC Studios has confirmed the news. James Gunn and Peter Safran’s DC Universe is looking for a new actor to be part of the latest Batman reboot, and the fans are eager to find out who will don the cape.
James Gunn reveals future of Batman
Throughout the DC cinematic experience, fans have had to accept and appreciate ever-changing actors playing iconic roles such as Batman, Superman, Joker, etc. We’ve seen many well-known actors put on the Dark Knight mask, including Michael Keaton, Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, and most recently, Robert Pattinson.
While each fan has their favourite Batman actor, it can be pretty disheartening to see the actors leave their characters behind when they’re replaced with a new one. With the release of DC’s latest franchise, The Flash, fans were treated to George Clooney’s Bruce Wayne appearance in the movie. It certainly raised some questions about whether Clooney will be returning as the new Batman in the latest reboot of the superhero movie.
When a fan on Twitter asked James Gunn if Clooney would return as the new DCU Batman, the co-CEO of DC Studios quickly responded, “He is not.”
While Gunn did not expand on his thoughts about who will be the new Batman in the latest reboot, fans did not waste time weighing in their choices. Among several other speculations, one actor becoming a fan favourite pick to play the Caped Crusader of Gotham is Jensen Ackles. The Supernatural actor was seen expressing his love for playing Batman on-screen at a press junket where fans could not hold their excitement. In a viral YouTube shorts clip, Ackles can be heard joking around with fans about the possibility of playing the new Batman role in the DC project.
“Would I entertain the idea of playing my favorite superhero of all time? Nah!”
“I mean could I do it? Sure. Would I want to do it?”

Apart from the fans in the video cheering him on and wishing to see Ackles as the Dark Knight, there were many others who expressed their thoughts about The Boys actor joining the DCU.
“He already is muscled up. He would kill it. Absolutely kill it as Batman.” -@TheRealBatTheory
“He doesn’t need to be jacked to be batman, he just needs to portray him right. He’s already toned enough.” -@MasterChiefSha
“Give him a chance to do it. He already voiced Batman in a few animated movies” -@tannersmith5474
“I didn’t realize I wanted a Jensen Ackles Batman until right now.” -@bignick2k215