It’s a big responsibility to have children, especially for new parents. When new parents have their own parents around, grandparents help them out from time to time.
It’s a win-win situation many times.
Most new parents want to spend time with their kids, while most new grandparents want to spend time with their kids. It’s a win-win when grandparents help out.
Some grandparents feel that younger parents tend to take advantage.
Sometimes, grandparents feel that their children can take advantage of them.
It’s at times sickening and tiring for some grandparents because of their kids relying on them.
When it comes down to it, we can take advantage of our own parents and expect a lot from them.
Quayla Ann knows exactly how it feels like.
The mom shared a video of her angry mother after she asked her to babysit again.
The viral video shows how she exploded.
“Let me tell you, the new generation, y’all millennial, you got it all [expletive] up [sic]. Because I became a grandparent does not automatically make me the babysitter or daycare,” she yelled.
According to her, grandparents don’t help raise children but are supposed to visit.
“Grandparents — true grandparents — they’re supposed to raise their children right to where y’all start having kids, you can… provide for your own children and secure their daycare so you can go to work, so you can go out, so you can do anything else.
True grandparents are supposed to be able to call their grandkids. Y’all supposed to come over and visit,” she added.
She’s clearly disappointed at her daughter treating her like some sort of daycare.
“No it ain’t supposed to be dropping them off when you want to … No! … It don’t [sic] go like that. You know why? Because we already had our life with raising kids.
We aren’t supposed to be tied down raising [expletive] kids. We’re supposed to be gardening, going to the senior citizen’s place, bingo … That’s what we raise you all for, to be able to take care of your kids,” she said to her daughter.
There were many people who could relate to this grandma having enough of it.
A lot of viewers commented on the video saying, “She’s 150% right,” or “Preach!!”
There were some commenters who were annoyed after watching the video.
“I hate the fact that they’re just laughing at her. God, this Grandma deserves some respect,” one person commented.
According to one person, one person had a point.
One person said, “She is trying to say: Don’t have kids if you don’t want to put your full time into taking care of them, you make a baby you take care of it.”
The majority of people agreed with the grandma.
One person added, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone preach facts like this!! She was spot on beginning to end. They think it’s funny when she’s being dead ass serious. They wanna go out to the club and s*** and want her to watch them. Sit tf down and raise your own kids.”
However, some people said that their grandmother was different.
“Well, my grandmother was old-school. She loved being with us. My grandmother was a proud grandmother and she was a grandmother 24/7 she said running the street was unbecoming of older women. She did tend her garden and she thought us how as well. The grandmother is the matriarch of the family and is [the] foundation, the glue that holds the family together. She isn’t the babysitter, she is the family,” someone commented.
There are some people who felt that they owe it to their kids.

One person commented, “I’m a grandma and I help when I can because my mamma helped me when I was raising babies. Can’t do it without grandma.”
Internet is a seemingly divided place, for sure.
Do you feel that this grandma is right? Is it true that some parents rely too much on their parents to look after their grandchildren?