On Tuesday, the president of the United States, Donald Trump stated without any evidence that the immigrants to the country have cost it unlawfully about hundreds of billions of dollars and that too on a yearly basis and that too without any evidence.
This was contradictory to the findings of the experts.
Trump took to twitter, where he tweeted that the illegal immigration costs more than two hundred billion dollars to the United States on a yearly basis. He further asked that how could this be allowed to happen.

The estimates for the illegal immigration’s net costs varies a lot but most of them are more or less a fraction of the number stated by the president.
As per the report of the conservative Heritage Foundation which was published in 2013 which when taken as an example has made an estimation that the fiscal burden imposed by the households of the illegal immigrants was about $54.5 billion on an annual basis.
According to the Market Insider, the White House as well as the Department of Homeland Security did not respond to the requests of it to comment on the matter.

An analyst of the Cato Institute which is an organization of liberatarian research, Alex Nowrasteh stated that he has not got a slightest idea that from where that number has come.
He further added that the number to him has conjured out of the thin air and that he has not ever come across any estimate in terms of fiscal cost which will place the number $200 billion per year.
The claim by the President, left the group of anti-immigration flummoxed.
Source: Business Insider, Washington Post