The void in that has been created in the Russia’s cryptocurrency community can be filled by the efforts of the Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange Huobio.
By trading volumes the third largest crypto currency exchange Huobi appears to be seeking ways inorder to fill the voids present in Russia’s cryptocurrency community.
It is a pioneer in crypto trading platform was created by the Exchange in Moscow, this very month that is physically present in the country rather than having a virtual presence online.
The office particularly has a call center in the language of Russia. The call center will alone bring a wide range of difference in the present scenario.
However this is not the end of Huobi’s ambition , it wants to rent and lend space to the Russian miners train the blockchain talent which is locally present as well as shape the country’s regulations.
For a long period of time the void in the Russia’s cryptocurrency community was filled by the BTC-e , which is an exchange that is currently defunct.
The BTC-e had a supporting staff of Russia as well as an OTC also called as the Network of Local Over The Counter dealers, but FBI of the United States had shut down the BTC-e in July 2017.
After BTC-e no other mainstream platform provided any comprehensive help and support to the Russian users. On November 12 Huobi opened an office in Moscow with 30 people.
Inorder to attract maximum attention towards itself the website of the company offers a commission of value lesser than 0.1 percent to all users who are willing to trade bitcoins of a number greater than 50.
And this is not the only offer they are providing to their consumers. They also promise a reward in the form of cash back that is offered on a monthly basis to the users that will be send to the account of the consumer in the form of tokens of Huobi.
The intial plan of Huboi was much more ambitious as they wanted to enable deposits in Russian roubles however the local experts considered it a bad idea.
Source: CoinDesk, CoinSpectator