Grace Fan DeVito: Hollywood Legacy 

Grace Fan DeVito

Grace Fan DeVito is a well-known actress and producer, born to famous parents Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman, both acclaimed actors in the entertainment industry.


Growing Up in Showbiz

Raised in a creative environment, Grace was brought up in New York City along with her siblings, Jake DeVito and Lucy DeVito, all of whom have pursued careers in the entertainment field.


Education and Career Debut

Grace attended Brown University, earning a theatre degree in 2005. She made her career debut in the TV series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" in 2005, a show starring her father.


Multifaceted Career

Grace Fan DeVito is not only an actress but also a filmmaker and producer. She has been involved in various film and television projects, including movies like "Bloomington" and "The Internship."


Her Parents' Success

Her father, Danny DeVito, gained fame through his role in the sitcom "Taxi" and received awards like Emmy and Golden Globe. Her mother, Rhea Perlman, is renowned for her role as Carla in the series "Cheers."


Social Impact and Net Worth

Besides her career, Grace supports causes related to animal rights and environmental protection. Her estimated net worth is $3 million.

